


3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824

Invoice Number INV-126
Invoice Date March 20, 2024
Total Due $883.88
19th Century Historians

Item #1 and #2 are options for the initial phase which includes hosting, maintenance, and the buildout of the static website of 19th Century Historians. ETA Buildout 3-4 Weeks.

Line Items afterwards are to build out membership based site ETA undetermined, based on depth of memberships/areas of visibility/etc

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
15 Website Build Hours (Non-Profit Discount included)

Designing template, implementing content to template, and publishing template to live domain. Average initial time per page is .65 hours x 17 pages = ( 11.05 ) x .35 hours with edits/change requests/making live = ( 17 ) total hours estimate.

1 Monthly Maintenance (Hosting included if Payment Options not accepted)
1 Professional Email (Annual Charge only)

For the price of the average cost of one professional email account InnovationV is able to give 3; 6.99 per month paid annually.

Sub Total $883.88
Tax $0.00
Total Due $883.88