

3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824

Invoice Number INV-058
Invoice Date February 1, 2022
Total Due $1,282.50
Califf Law

Currently the only major pages that look like they need written content is the "Home" page and the "practice area" page, which currently is a "null" page meaning it currently doesnt go anywhere. It is highly suggested that we have something for this page as it looks good on google

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
7 Re-design Califf Law Firm Per existing pages

Take existing content (or rewritten via content writer) and make a responsive template with the Fullwidth approach as specified via our Zoom meeting. Build out a Home/landing page breaking down some case studies/blog articles, areas of study, and contact us/possible estimate buildout.
Other Pages: Practice areas (and their sub pages), Articles/Blog, About

2 Content Written via InnovationV Branding Agent

Recommended page write up for law office is landing/home page: write up of mission statement (taking some of about page, but making SEO Friendly based on target Area/Services, along with some key case studies progress/result)
- write up regarding a summary of 'Automobile Accidents/Car Crash', 'Slip and Fall', and 'Wrongful Death' as a general "Services" page (adds SEO)

Sub Total $2,385.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$1,102.50
Total Due $1,282.50