

3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824

Invoice Number INV-119
Invoice Date November 7, 2023
Total Due $3,182.64
Augusta Press
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
15 Augusta Press 9/8-13

9/8 (1:00)
[9:00:00 AM - 10:00AM] TAP Performance (deleted all local files to test S3 on TAP2)
9/09/23 (2:00)
[9:00 -11:00] TAP Performance testing on TAP2 - checked to see whether 7.4 worked better on Pantheon than 8.1
9/12 (5:00)
[10:00 AM-12:30 PM] TAP2 + Pantheon Support tickets + finding our "new" CSM to push support into acting
[2:30PM - 4:00PM] Setup new sub Categories for Sports TAP63
9/13 (3:30)
[9:30 AM - 11:00 AM] Adsense/Pantheon/CookieBot
[2:00 PM - 4PM] Went through Pantheon Support to figure out GIT issue due to local machine/server conflict + Work on Organizing Post Categories + video to show to team
9/14/23 (6:00) - 30 min break = 5:30
[8:00 AM-2:00 PM] TAP Updates + Security 3 Deployments+ 8.1 Upgrade
Total Hours for this Week: 17:00 - 2 moving to next week

15 Augusta Press 9/15 -22

9/15/23 (1:30) + 2 roll over
[9:00 - 10:00] Error reporting 8.1 Tagdiv issues
[2-2:30pm] added sub categories to TAP63 (multidev)
9/19/23 (2:30)
[11:00am-12:00pm] trouble shooting scan report
[3:30pm - 5:00pm] Work on cookies identification
9/20/23 (4:00)
[1:00 - 5:00] TAP2 Performance + symlinking issues with file uploads + Start Nitro (minification) + TAP Subcats + Cookies
9/21/23 (4:30)
[9:00am -1:30pm] TAP Updates 2 Deploys + Troubleshooting with Subcategories upload
9/22/23 (1:30)
[12:00am - 1:30pm] Finalized Cookie Banner updates (defined all unknown cookie types)
Total Hours for this Week: 15:30 - 30 to next week

15 Augusta Press 9/23 + 9/26-29 +10/03-4

9/23 (1:30) + .30 roll over= 2
[9:00:00 AM - 10:30AM] Finished Adsense for single post category + monitor
9/26 (3:30)
[9:00 -12:00] TAP Content freeze + added Adsense Inline addon through Advanced ads pro
[1:30 - 2:00 PM] Add admin to Live + send tutorial to stephanie
9/27 (1:00)
[3:00 PM-4:00 PM] CookieBot Banner Scan Report (Time troubleshooting different cookies and their options)
9/28 (3:00)
[9AM - 12:00 PM] TAP Updates
9/29 (2:00)
[11:AM-1PM] Cookie banner issues
10/03 (2:30)
[11-12:30] TAP Bug report tagdiv + add support ticket + send tagdiv a login to dev
10/04 (2:30)
[9:30-12) Tap performance [minify + set up 8.1/tap3]
Total Hours for this Week: 16:30 -1:30 =15
Rollover 1.5 hours

15 Augusta Press 10/05-10/10

Rollover 1.5 + 5[below] = 6:30
[8:00-12:00pm] TAP Updates
[4:00-5:00] More performance (Nitro on TAP2)
10/06/23 (2:30)
[10:00-12:30] More performance (Nitro on TAP2)
10/07 (3:00)
7:45AM -10:45am TAP 403 Errors

10/08/23 (1:00)
[1:00pm -2:00pm] Tap 403 error research
10/10 (2:00)
[9:00-11] Created multidev of Live so issues on snapshot are as current as possible), disabling security + mfa for tagDiv team + adding users + generating report.

Total Hours for this Week: 15:00

1 Amazon AWS S3 Bucket License Oct invoice sent 11/2 $182.640.00%$182.64
Sub Total $3,182.64
Tax $0.00
Total Due $3,182.64