3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824
Invoice Number | INV-039 |
Invoice Date | February 24, 2021 |
Total Due | $705.48 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
1 | Basic Ecommerce Site (up to 10 products) MVP DISCOUNT 30% OFF --IN#13 DATE 05/27/20 COUPON ID INNOV13 |
$1,750.00 | -30% | $1,225.00 |
1 | Domain Purchase of boudreauxsaugusta.com (Annual) |
$12.99 | 0% | $12.99 |
1 | Woocommerce Credit Card Gateway Fee (Annual) Paypal gateway fee (cost) |
$79.99 | 0.00% | $79.99 |
Sub Total | $1,317.98 |
Tax | $0.00 |
Paid | -$612.50 |
Total Due | $705.48 |