3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824
Invoice Number | INV-067 |
Invoice Date | March 30, 2022 |
Total Due | $750.00 |
4.5 Hours rolled from February | New Roll over: 14
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
10 | Additional Hours 11am-12 CF Call data management; 9am Comcast call about installation; 9PM Catherine Expired cc caused godaddy to park BG (had to update credit card); 4pm-5 CF (linked In/ Schedule LP/Facebook/instagram); 4-5pm Worked on List; 3pm-4pm CF Call about email organization; 4pm-5pm CF Call DB List; 9am-10am CF adding to Newsletter list; 10am-1pm Board Meeting; 1pm-5pm Comcast Installation/researched cameras; 9am-9:30am looked through rollin cameras (no wifi only options; I believe it would be best to set up wifi at lodge specifically and go through an electrician to set up wired security cameras); 10-10:30 Pat comcast; 2pm-330pm CF Spoke of Changes/organizing info@BG done; 11am-1pm CF Call about emails, security cameras, molly/laura conversations - getting with them to figure out next steps, some website previous month roll over: 4.5 + 19.5 = 24 (before 11am phone call) |
$35.00 | 0% | $350.00 |
1 | Website/Social Media Management Campaign + Premium Maintenance Worked through Items on list from Cindy notes on website; Social media post of instagram personal account; switched personal to business after finally convincing facebook that CF is real; Added new date for event throughout site headers; updated donation page to take out online donations; Built Ribbon Cutting page; Working on Footer redesign (pending development); work on Safari issues (load times); 3 Social media posts (2 instagram 1 facebook) of 2021 pictures; assessed Cindy/CF notes except Menu - researching designs for megamenu (implementation during April) |
$400.00 | 0.00% | $400.00 |
Sub Total | $750.00 |
Tax | $0.00 |
Total Due | $750.00 |