

3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824

Invoice Number INV-062
Invoice Date February 26, 2022
Total Due $6,674.99
Chris Alday Pond Rent

Through the quoted system all libraries/Content can be converted into an IOS or Android app. Cost is $2000 per platform, but all extensions are required to be purchased prior to conversion.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Listing Suite Subscription (Annual)
1 Membership Extension (Includes PayPal Gateway)
1 Booking + Calendar Extension
3 Dynamic Content Template to handle system (Based on Categories)

This would be for boat, pond, and Boat hookup rental (additional categories requires more work)

3 Standard Web pages (Includes written content by InnovationV strategists

Build out website to build a web presence. All content is SEO Friendly

12 Listing Management through BirdEye Software (Paid annually) Or $300/month [optional but recommended]

Regional/National SEO Pack

Sub Total $6,674.99
Tax $0.00
Total Due $6,674.99