3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824
Invoice Number | INV-016 |
Invoice Date | October 8, 2020 |
Total Due | $962.00 |
Some pages are pending content generation such as the Vendors page. Some sections are pending high resolution photos -
Maintenance plans are to be decided, I believe we were going with a Trade - but we will figure it out.
Referral Discount of 20%
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
7 | Static Pages |
$315.00 | 0% | $2,205.00 |
1 | Social Media Integration API |
$99.00 | 0% | $99.00 |
5 | Content Creation (Page or Post) Written, edited, and copyright by Julie Keating |
$50.00 | 0% | $250.00 |
1 | Addition Discount Cant seem to get the same ending amount agreed upon |
$-74.20 | 0.00% | $-74.20 |
Sub Total | $2,479.80 |
Tax | $0.00 |
Discount | -$555.80 |
Paid | -$962.00 |
Total Due | $962.00 |