

3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824

Invoice Number INV-019
Invoice Date November 16, 2020
Total Due $2,880.25
Hargrove Pest, Inspections, Encapsulation, Cleaning, & Project 143

Bundle Price: Buy One Get One Free Template. Although additional lines are optional, they are highly recommended.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
13 Dynamic Site Template Development

Dynamic pages allow for changes to be made through Custom fields created by InnoVationV - where every page has sections of pre-templated content.

10 Branded Content Written by our SEO Branding Agent (optional)

Written content to appeal to google's standard (highly recommended - currently 10 pages between Hargrove Pest and Home Inspections rank in the 30 percentile on SEO score)

1 Blog Template (optional)

Dynamic blog template for handling all blog posts. Blog posts are $80 per blog. (recommended of 1 blog per month minimum) - Please ask about InnoVationV's Visibility Campaigns for the best results**

2 Hover Effects/Animations for Homepages (optional)

Call to Action Buttons that have scrolling or animated effects. Effective for "Call Now" or "Schedule an Appointment" or promotionary services to be displayed. Playful additions to keep the client engaged.

Sub Total $5,760.50
Tax $0.00
Paid -$2,880.25
Total Due $2,880.25