

3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824

Invoice Number INV-013
Invoice Date August 1, 2020
Total Due $6,945.00
Online Newspaper
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Base Template to contain Featured Categories like example + Featured Services

Template modeled on Greenville Today ( Includes: Main Featured page with News feeds, features All Categories, Social Media Integration Feeds

9 Category Page + Categorical Post Type

Utilizing Dynamic Content, each Category page will be pre-styled so that an Editor, Journalist, or Non- web developer can just copy and paste content (minor spacing edits possibly required)

12 Stock Images

Stock Images Provided by Adobe Stock (EST. about 2 per category page with a featured image and possible call to action image

1 Popup Newsletter Plugin License (pending)

Email Optin + Popup (100-200) - requires further research

1 Memberships (pending)

Possible Membership capabilities, requires more information in order to estimate a quote. Allows for guest area and hidden membership categories, pages, etc. Requires Third party license purchase + time to implement integration to site

1 Shop (pending)

Current Example uses shopify; however InnoVationV has capability of creating Ecommerce Shop if needed

Sub Total $6,945.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $6,945.00