

3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824

Invoice Number INV-71
Invoice Date April 16, 2022
Total Due $3,000.00
Sales Gravy

For more thorough explanations of work performed, please refer to the Trello panel. See list of item breakdown on page 2 of this PDF. For a more detailed account of all notes + screenshots, please refer to Trello Board.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
20 Week 1 working with Sales Gravy 3/21-26

Monday: Meeting with Abby
Tuesday: Looked into (searched for issues, created screenshots, inspected code through Google inspector prior to access with admin, noted canonical tags can be updated, inspected header functionality - noted no social media links
Wednesday: Assessed Abby's notes on competition and started building my own notes (see tab in spreadsheet), meeting with jeb
Thursday: set up pheedloop account, wp-engine; attempted log into but needed password protect; browsed pheedloop documentation as well as system
Friday: constructed local repository of both HTML and CSS; worked on injecting styles - system ignored updates; first attempt to update css on register page - ignored; hid reed test page from site, tested the style sheet against test page. mostly ignored
Saturday: Worked around with some inline CSS with body areas which works, limitation is that it doesnt work with whole sections. Researching on why that is - looking for other examples of modified event pages (need input)
Hours: 25

20 Week 2 working with Sales Gravy 03/28- 04/02

Monday: Attempted to bypass devsales gravy database loop with phpmyadmin - unsuccessful until later that week due to privilege's
Tuesday: Pheedloop looking through resources of the site, a very lacking of documentation; spent several hours trying to find a "competitor site" using same pheedloop software but with a styled/custom template but was not very lucky. all templates found were very basic if not the default theme entirely. Will need to learn more Javascript in order to figure this out
Wednesday: found a site that uses pheedloop - inspect element proves the usage of quite a bit of Javascript built into form - with conditional logic -- need more time to research
Thursday: continue working on getting css changes to go through pheedloop (broken header, slight change to containing body, but nothing on allowing flex-box display, ignores all of my css Selectors/class usage.
Friday: searched for other examples and tutorials on pheedloop (not any luck in terms of using custom styles) + TEAM ABBY meeting where we went through re-design data sheet, ideas from competition)
Saturday: Started Code Academy
Hours: 16

20 Week 3 working with Sales Gravy 04/04-04/08

Monday: Continued with Javascript Lesson about 50% through, but went back to wpengine issue with copy environment, tried to research on force migrations (unsuccessful - later to find out via support that everything went through but that database user/pass either corrupt or just required manual by pass, need to research further) == add to trello
Tuesday: attempted some console JS inspection of pheedloop site examples. not enough knowledge to attempt from scratch, need to do more code academy + used .container and was slightly able to modify - not pretty.
Wednesday: Was on JS code academy but got an invite to FIGMA so i decided to switch gears -built out a rough draft showcasing organization of all elements for design strategy + worked with Abby's template on same concept, figured out export/import process
Friday: SEM Rush initialization of campaigns, United states focus, competition discovery, build out of custom report and research analysis
Saturday: continued on research of SEO -- identified several suspicious plugins possibly causing these errors. multiple 404's
Hours: 24

20 Week 4 working with Sales Gravy 04/11-04/16

Monday: started tutorial 2 on FIGMA from design to code (incomplete)/partial day
Tuesday: Figma, spreed sheet shared by Abby, research JS hover, carousel + TEAM ABBY MEETING
Wednesday: Started work on staging site 1 for sales gravy, trying to understand each plugin that seems to perform same duties, need more input possibly from Abby or Jeb
Thursday: started updating plugins on staging side, had to revert backups a couple times, database error on 2 very low version controlled plugins + Jeb requested me to change gears to prove Divi is superior to live :P
Friday+Saturday: continued to prove that Divi can do it all aka worked on blog post template + general blog (not 100% the same design but feel very accomplished with the amount of work i was able to put in) ==
Hours 25; roll over 5 hours to next pay period to compensate 4/28 Bath Ribbon Cutting + Board Meeting 4/21

Sub Total $4,000.00
Tax $0.00
Paid -$1,000.00
Total Due $3,000.00