

3248 Ponderosa Ln,
Thomson, Ga 30824


Quote Date March 5, 2021
Total $575.00

website project:  www.milestone-gc.com
AD spend budget not recommended until a few months into content marketing at minimum. AD Campaign management fees are based on how much the budget is but on average is 15%. Packages are available upon request.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Keyword Management + 1 Blog per month (Monthly)

Keyword Analysis of competition and national Search Engine results, combined with a blog written by a dedicated content writer each month with relevant keywords. Up to one hour site maintenance is included in this price.

1 Listing Management Tool Kit (Monthly)

Monthly management of all local, state, and national directories. (cost of toolkit licence)

1 Backlink Management

Includes up to 2 hours of researching backlink audit reports of good networking opportunities such as directories or blogs to refer to client website.

1 Onsite Maintenance/Fix Bugs

Maintenance hours to fix structural issues regarding website

Sub Total $575.00
Tax $0.00
Total $575.00

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