The Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW) Chapter in Augusta came to InnoVationV around June of last year in the interest of updating their website from the current look to a more modern approach. They wanted to keep it simple and to the point so that it would make navigation easy and user friendly as their audience are specific to veterans and families who serve this great nation.
Their main goals were to have a place to represent the leadership of this excellent chapter. Additionally, an area to showcase the programs they offer the community: the Augusta Youth Leadership Conference and the Memorial Day, Veterans Day Observances and one of their most recent works: the Vietnam War Memorial:
“One of the Chapter’s most significant individual projects was the recent purchase and placement of the Augusta and Central Savannah River Area’s (CSRA) Vietnam War Veterans Memorial. The memorial, which honor the region’s 169 war dead, 3 Ex-Prisoners of War, and 1 Missing in Action, as well as the 15,000 Vietnam Veterans who live in the region, was unveiled and dedicated by the Chapter on March 29, 2019.” VWMI
We took the colors and symbol of the current MOWW insignia. With their permission we redid the logo slightly to allow the chapters branding and for it to be at a higher resolution. Using their pictures and text provided we followed a similar template to the Vietnam War Memorial ( VWMI )Website to complete the layout.
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