Location: Augusta Georgia
Services: InnoVationV Hosting and Maintenance / Web Design
Nami Augusta 2016
Launched: November 2017


Nami is a non-profit organization that deals with mental health patients and families, to better prepare people for understanding the signs and symptoms of those with mental health disabilities. They wanted a website that would be easy for users of any age to find out what Nami was all about, as well as give them the information they needed in terms of a crisis. They like the idea of having a company that can do it all, from managing their domains, hosting, and maintaining the website to being able to meet occassionally for local events. The subsidized website they were given through NAMI doesn't have all these amenities, and being that they are a fully volunteer base; its hard to find someone capable with all of these skills.


They decided to search for companies - being InnoVationV is all about our local Nonprofits, we were an easy contender. We have our own secure hosting, maintenance plans, and are native to the Augusta Area. Our flexibility of design styles, from blog style to informative, made us an easy choice. In the upcoming months NAMI Augusta will be receiving yet another face lift. One that focuses more on a blog-style layout that allows more information to be previewed through the website. Stay tuned for this Fall 2020!

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